DUI Program Participant Legal and Human Rights

  1. Impartial access to treatment (see Statement of Non-Discrimination below);
  2. Recognition of the individual’s personal dignity (you have the right to be treated courteously);
  3. Right to individual treatment (you will have a treatment plan reflecting your individual needs);
  4. Right to confidentiality as provided for by Federal Confidentiality Laws (no aspect of your treatment can be disclosed to anyone without your written consent or under special circumstances required by law);
  5. Right to seek consultation (you have the right to outside help or advice in decisions about your treatment);
  6. Right to understand the nature and type of risks, procedures of treatment, alternatives of treatment, including the professional status and relationship of treatment personnel;
  7. Right to treatment within the least restrictive environment possible;
  8. Right to be accorded safe, healthful and comfortable accommodations to meet your needs;
  9. Right to privacy in your treatment, in your care, and in the fulfillment of your personal needs;
  10. Right to be fully informed of all services available to you at Genesis Program and of any charges for those services;
  11. Right to be fully informed of your right as a patient and of all rules and regulations governing your conduct as a patient in the facility;
  12. Right to know about your recovery prognosis unless the staff, for clinical reasons, chooses not to inform you, and so indicates in your medical records.  You and your family, guardian, and/or appropriate relatives have the right to participate in the development of your treatment plan;
  13. Right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the consequences of the right;
  14. Right to voice opinions, recommendations, and grievances in relation to policies and services offered by the facility, without fear of restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal;
  15. Right to be free from verbal, emotional, physical abuse and/or inappropriate sexual behavior;
  16. Right to refuse to perform any service for the facility or for other patients unless it is a part of your therapeutic plan of treatment, which you have approved;
  17. Right of choice of persons with whom you associate and communicate, publicly and privately, unless your physician or treatment team, feels some or all such associations are detrimental to your welfare and so indicates in your medical record;
  18. Right to know the name and professional qualifications of all staff members involved with or responsible for your treatment;
  19. Right to view your record/file at any time according to Executive Order #B-2276 (may be subject to review with the treatment team to evaluate the clinical benefit).


In accordance with State and Federal statutes, no person shall, on the basis of race, sex, ethic group identification, national origin, religion, age, or mental or physical disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any services provided by The Genesis Program except as they conflict with Genesis Medical Admission Criteria (i.e., age or mental disability that would preclude participation). Genesis services include, but are not limited to, assessment, admission, consideration for financial assistance, and referrals.


Any complaints about your treatment at Genesis should first be addressed to the counseling staff. If you do not feel your complaint has been addressed to your satisfaction, please take it up with the Treatment Program Coordinator. The final source within the Genesis system is to address your complaint to the Administrative Director. Following this chain of command both helps us to address problems internally and gives you the chance to learn assertiveness skills.

As a last resort, in accordance with Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 10544(c), of the California Code of Regulations, any individual may request an inspection of an alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facility. Complaints should be directed to:

Department of Health Care Services -Driving-Under-the-Influence
PO Box 997413, MS 2602
Sacramento, CA 95899-7413
Phone:  (916)322-2964
Email:  duiproviders@dhcs.ca.gov

Have Questions?

Call for more information

(805) 650-3094

Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-9pm